Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's Mushroom Season!

It's morel mushroom season! For a few weeks every spring, these little gifts grow in the woods. I'm lucky enough to have a small mushroom patch on my property. Morels are rare and many mushroom hunters keep their hunting grounds secret. Morels, like many wild mushrooms, cannot be cultivated. Though there are many theories amongst seasoned mushroom hunters, no one understands exactly how the spores are spread, or where exactly they come from. They only grow where the soil, moisture and temperature are perfect.

These picky little morsels taste fantastic. They have an earthy, nutty flavor. Morels can be dehydrated or frozen, but taste best when they are fresh. My little patch doesn't produce many mushrooms, so we just enjoy them while they are in season. Last night I found my first morels of the season. Thirteen little mushrooms were sticking their heads up through the thick leaves. They can be hard to spot and many people have a hard time distinguishing them from the leaves and plants on the ground. I enjoy hunting them; it gives me time alone in the woods and is great "mental floss."

Morels can be put in soups or sauces. A lot of people like to batter and deep fry them, but I think that destroys their great taste. My family's favorite way to prepare them is to lightly saute' them in olive oil and garlic. They are a healthy, tasty treat!!

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